Ebay turbos (Yikes?!?)


Daily Driver
Sep 21, 2011
Well, I haven't checked in here for awhile and lo and behold this thread is still alive and kicking :D.
To answer your question, the setup I am looking at is the upgraded version, it comes with a dual inlet intercooler, dual external waste gates, blow off valves, all plumbing for oil system, boost controller, headers, plumbing from turbos to intercooler, pretty much every single piece except the carb hat and plumbing from intercooler to carb. It runs 900.00 including shipping for everything. If you can get me into all that for an additional 150 bucks with name brand components i'm all ears.

I know you guys aren't crazy about this ebay stuff, but look at car craft, they have been covering turbos to death and a lot of it was ebay stuff. There was an S15 blazer in a recent issue that runs 10's with a mild small block and ebay turbos. They are popping up alover the place and the quality is getting better on them also. I have done tons and tons of research on these and fact is, everyone that has real world experience with them is pretty damn happy. I havent found a single article of someone that has actually bought them that had problems. Lots of guys that have never tried them complaining, but i don't see any where someone that actually has them had a failure. Hell, Car craft pushed the setup on the 55 chev to rediculous boost levels after they got waste gate issues adressed. The power curve flattened out due to other issues, but it wasn't lack of boost pressure.

Only problem is, money is tight right now so I havent been able to come up with the cash.


Top Fueler
Feb 17, 2010
Milwaukee, WI
Well, keep us posted either way... Would love to see a build thread on something like this...


Jan 1, 2012
Portage, Pa
i know it isnt chevy relevent, buddy of mine used the ebay turbo set up on his honda and had great success with it, he used name brand waste gate, blow off valve, and boost controller and hasnt had a single problem and hes been using this car as his daily beater for the past 4 years. once he did it to his car it sold me on the idea... unfortunately i just havent gotten to it yet lol

Bad Medicine Racing

Frequent Racer
Jan 8, 2010
Grove Oak, AL
Just like everyone. Looking to make 1000hp on 87 octane and spend $500 on everything. Have fun guys.


Amateur Racer
Jul 7, 2003
panama city florida
the gt45 2004k knockoff is a tough little b*st*rd, i've run mine for a couple of years with various changes and boost levels from 8-18 psi with a budget 327". it's also the only one i have seen that survives over time. the "blue tag" version is a large shaft unit, heavy but reliable. i don't know this retailer but this is the one to pull visual ques from.

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