Sorry for not replying earlier; I wasn't notified the thread was updated.
I haven't seen a cast iron starter nose used in any car in the 1970s. Malibu795 is correct, there are 2 starter configurations due to 2 different flywheel diameters. The nose is what makes them different. There are more than 2 starter bodies, where the differences are in the size of the windings in the body identified by how far the terminal is from the solenoid. The noses can be interchanged between the different bodies.
In 1978, the El Camino was offered with a 350 and 4 speed, and came with a 168-tooth flywheel. All other 1978-1981 A bodies with a manual transmission came with the 153-tooth flywheel.
You seem to have a 168-tooth flywheel in your wagon, which means you likely have an 11-inch clutch.
My suggestion for simplicity and reliability is to use the full plastic shroud and a clutch fan.
If you want to use the Intrepid fans, you won't need the plastic shrouds. Instead, you should use the steel upper radiator support from a Regal or Oldsmobile with V8. Both of those are the same, except the Regal version has tabs that can be used to mount an electric fan (was originally holding a shroud). Here is a link to a thread with a picture of the upper radiator support from a Regal or Cutlass with Intrepid fans.
My single Caravan electric fan seems to have a little trouble keeping the temp steady with the A/C on in traffic, so I am looking at upgrading.I know the dual Ramcharger fans fit great, but am curious of seeing pics of both these as well as Mark VIII fans installed on a stock Monte rad. I...
Searching this forum for "intrepid" reveals many threads. will also have many results.