Picking a harness


Daily Driver
Aug 22, 2008
Birmingham, AL 35007
So i finally got my engine mounts sorted out and now its time to figure out how to control it. Not sure if this should be in the E.F.I. section or not but its related to a v6 so... i tried getting a harness and reworking it but i didn't like how it turned out or looked so my new options are for a close to stock 94 4.3l,

EBL (http://www.dynamicefi.com)
390 + $245 harness with potential to tune it myself

93-95 TBI PCM 16197427 with potential to upgrade to a 4060le
tbichip burn $200 + $400 harness

or a 1227747 ecm and a harnees for $245 + the cost of a chip burn.

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