Tremec TKO 600

Meat Drapes

Dragway Regular
Mar 26, 2005
Stoutland, MO
Clutch is in. 10.4 Center Force Dual Friction. Its perty.

El Coolmino

Top Fueler
May 11, 2005
DSM IA under a green truck
You're having the same kind of customer service that I got from those guys. Good products, but you get a different story every time you call. My trans is prior to their "kit", I'm using a modified G force 2004r crossmember. However, my 81 required the same frame extension you're talking about for the later crossmember. It's a 1x3 piece of rectangular tubing that bolts to the original crossmember mounts, and is about 2 ft long. Also bolts to the frame a little further back, and the crossmember bolts to it. If you've got a hacksaw and a drill, you could make one of these from tubing.

Basically, I wouldn't be afraid to try the frame extension route. I'd definitely start there before cutting into the crossmember.

They may be overblowing the tunnel modification. I had to ding mine in 2 spots and cut the shifter hole. Unless they're using the stock 4 speed pedestal, but those are available all over. Although one of the dings I made might interfere with the flange on that pedestal, it's about the same area. Hmmm...good luck

You'll really like the dual friction, Got about 10K on mine and couldn't be happier. Smooth as butter with mechanical linkage.

The driveshaft thing really suprises me. I thought all G body was the same frame, except elcamino. You'd think if they can make a transmission crossmember that fits, they'd have a pretty good idea of where the tailshaft is gonna end up. But then again, they make custom speedometer cables for everything, instead of one or two mechanical adapters. I use an adapter from Forte's. Think their product line started with mopar stuff, so their technical staff has sort of a reverse threaded approach to start with :D


Pro Stocker
Apr 25, 2004
80 miles west of Joliet IL.
Maybe Rick(iceman) could do you some good. As far as crossmember or extention. His ad is on the home page.

Meat Drapes

Dragway Regular
Mar 26, 2005
Stoutland, MO
I have been bothering Keisler now several times a week. They have finally told me they have a new contract for crossmembers. The last word today was three weeks to get it. We will see. Its a good thing my car has a lot of work being done to it. I can wait that long.
I did in fact contact Rick(Iceman) but have not been able to follow through. He stated that around $150 or so would be the magic number to fab up what I need. Not too bad. If Keisler was going to take more then 3 months I was tempted. But only after I tried to get my original fixed first.

My UMI control arms came in, new Carb is in. Interior rust is fixed, and clutch just needs to be torqued to proper specs. Once a few more things are complete, Ill wrestle the transmission into place and prop it up for the driveshaft measurement.
Now if only I could get Keisler to send me the sheetmetal and template so I can modify the tunnel!!

I have also taken many pictures, just need to learn how to post that too.

LS6 Tommy

MalibuRacing Junkie
May 15, 2004
North Jersey
Meat Drapes said:
Clutch is in. 10.4 Center Force Dual Friction. Its perty.

Are you running a mechanical linkage? Shafi told me not to use a Centerforce with a hydraulic setup. I can't remember why.


Meat Drapes

Dragway Regular
Mar 26, 2005
Stoutland, MO
I have a mech linkage.

Why not hydraulic? I wanted to switch someday.

El Coolmino

Top Fueler
May 11, 2005
DSM IA under a green truck
LS6 Tommy said:
Are you running a mechanical linkage? Shafi told me not to use a Centerforce with a hydraulic setup. I can't remember why.
I'm guessing here, cause I've not heard that before. But it would make sense, there's probably valving in the slave cylinder to make it disengage smoothly. The release is powered by the pressure plate springs, the slave cylinder just resists the pressure smoothly. Since the centerforce has super light pedal around the floor, I could see disengagement problems with hydraulic. Like I said, just guessing :-s

Meat Drapes

Dragway Regular
Mar 26, 2005
Stoutland, MO
The clutch was a 10.4 inch. I replaced it with a Center Force Clutch. The Clutch is in and the bellhousing back on. While I was down there I put the headers in, they had to go in from underneath. Once the transmission is in Ill take a measurement for the new driveshaft. I also got the sheetmetal for the new shifter hump. Small cut is required for the new shifter location. Keisler decided not to send the template so I can know where to make the cuts. I called them today, they said they would call me back. Thay did not.

Meat Drapes

Dragway Regular
Mar 26, 2005
Stoutland, MO
That last post was to answer what I thought was a question prior to the last post...but then it disappeared. I need more beer.

Meat Drapes

Dragway Regular
Mar 26, 2005
Stoutland, MO
I am still waiting on the template to cut/elongate the stock shifter hump.
I 'attempted' to wrestle the transmission in the other day but the shifter is just aft of the original hole so it would not fit. I am leary to just cut without proper guidance from the template so I am still waiting....and waiting.
GM Synchromesh tranmission fluid... $10.42 per qt. , that is not cheap.
Tremec takes 3 qts. Gear

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